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Showing posts from September, 2023

Addressing Common Sump Pump Problems

  Addressing Common Sump Pump Problems Addressing Common Sump Pump Problems : Sump pumps are generally reliable guardians against water damage in your home, but they can face issues just like any other mechanical device. Common problems include clogging, motor failure, and power outages.   Clogging   often arises from neglecting the sump pit’s cleanliness. Debris like soil and leaves can accumulate over time, impeding the pump’s efficiency. Regular cleaning and inspections of the pit can help prevent these clogs and keep the pump functioning smoothly.   Motor failure  is a more complex issue and emphasizes the importance of investing in a high-quality sump pump and having it installed properly. Pumps of superior quality usually last longer and are less prone to malfunctions. Additionally, having a backup power source, such as a battery-operated sump pump, is crucial for situations like  power outages  during storms.   To mitigate these issues, it’s vital to follow a routine maintenance

Why Does My Toilet Keep Clogging

  Why Does My Toilet Keep Clogging Why Does My Toilet Keep Clogging Why does my toilet keep clogging? If you often ask this question, you might want to call a professional plumber to get rid of the problem. In this article, we’ll try to analyze the most frequent reasons that can explain why your toilet always clogs. Plus, we’ll share recommendations on how to fix a toilet that keeps clogging up.    Low Flow Toilet This issue is typical of older toilets. They lack the necessary pressure to clear their drain and trap. To find out whether your toilet is a low-flow one, you should look at its back for a stamped date. If the unit is old indeed, you might want to replace it. If you can’t afford the replacement right now, you might try to limit the amount of toilet paper that you use.$CUT$ Besides, some newer toilets might have a poor design. Maybe, your toilet keeps clogging because of a wrong angle of the bowl or an inappropriate width of the opening of the drain. In this case, it doesn’t m